Blaugust 2022
Blaugust is back for another year. I don’t really need to explain it, just go do the thing.

Blaugust is back for another year. I don’t really need to explain it, just go do the thing.
For myself, I have no idea what to write. I definitely don’t want to write writing advice. Writing advice is always the same. Except now you have to use emojis to communicate effectively.
I don’t want to write about myself because that’s intrusive and gross. I don’t like to write about my favorite creatives because revealing your favorite things is basically the same as writing about yourself, and unnecessarily making yourself vulnerable to an Internet full of personal judgments.
In general, posting “something” every day doesn’t appeal to me very much, so I need some kind of meta-theme. I’m strongly tempted to find a “100 writing prompts” site and roll a d100 each day to pick what to write. Or perhaps use this ad-filled random question generator site I just found. Writing answers to questions is the easiest form of blogging.
I also think it would be fun to improvise a 31-part choose-your-own adventure with a reader survey at the end of each post to direct the narrative, but that’s a lot more work than I’m willing to put in. I only include it here in case someone else wants to steal that idea.
In any case, whatever I write needs to be really short because writing hurts my back. It’s always bugged me that blog posts have to be longer than tweets, but tweet-sized blog posts just don’t look right. They don’t look right on a web page, and they don’t look right in an RSS feed. It’s a problem I’ve never figured out how to solve.