Demon's Souls (PS5) - Progress and Plan

With some 8 days remaining until Elden Ring launches, it seems unlikely that I’ll finish Demon’s Souls before then, which puts me in a bit of a sticky situation.

Elden Ring - The Journey, Part 1

A small window into what it feels like to enjoy playing Elden Ring as it was intended the way I like playing it. [ED: I shouldn’t assume.]


I don’t want to write this, because it will make it real.

Elden Ring Followup

I think it’s about time to write that followup post to my first impressions about Elden Ring. Somewhat of a correction, because my first impression didn’t give the right impression.

My First Roll20 Game Wasn't Terrible

Talk about getting outside your comfort zone. This is so far outside my comfort zone that it’s on a completely different planet, with a poisonous atmosphere, crushing gee forces, with a comet heading directly for it.

Blaugust 2022

Blaugust is back for another year. I don’t really need to explain it, just go do the thing.

Art - Blaugust Deep Dream Journal Day 5

In the dream, I encountered a fellow standing by the road with a tadpole for a head. I asked him, “How do we know what is art and what isn’t?”