What Used To Be Controversial
The end of my streak of miscellaneous one-off videos.

The end of my streak of miscellaneous one-off videos.
Kenshi - Snap Judgment. Quirky mix of an RPG, a management game, and a survival game, quite a lot like an MMORPG from circa 1999: A collection of game systems in which you can do whatever you want to do. (Complete with janky graphics and very few sound effects.) Don’t really know what to make of it. Recorded 5/1/2021.
Frostpunk - Snap Judgment. A management game in the vein of RimWorld, but much better graphics and production values, with much fewer laughs. Recorded 5/2/2021.
Spiritfarer - Snap Judgment. Cute game about dead people. Nice hand-drawn style animations. Recorded 5/2/2021.
At this point I ran out of “miscellaneous” games to upload, and intended to start uploading The Surge. But at roughly this time I was on the verge of rage-quitting The Surge because of the last zone and wondered if I would ever actually finish it.
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So I dug into my vault of “evergreen” uploads and found Assassin’s Creed III. Remember when that game was considered “controversial?” That’s what Assassin’s Creed games used to be: Historical fiction worth having conversations about.
Assassin’s Creed III Pt 1 - New World. Sequence 1. Refresher, Deadly Performance, New World. Recorded 5/22/2020.
Assassin’s Creed III Pt 2 - Welcome to Boston. Sequence 2. Welcome to Boston, Errand, The Surgeon. Recorded 5/23/2020.
Assassins Creed III Pt 3 - The Soldier. Sequence 2. The Soldier, Infiltrating Southgate. Recorded 5/23/2020.
Assassin’s Creed III Pt 4 - Execution is Everything. Sequence 3. Unconvinced, Execution is Everything. Recorded 5/23/2020.
Since I did go on to finish The Surge, I’ll be interrupting Assassin’s Creed III and uploading The Surge soon. It’s okay though, the first act of Assassin’s Creed III is by far the best part of the game. The remainder is a bit of a mess, story-wise. Classic “not enough time to really finish it” game syndrome.