The End of Pillars of Eternity
At last, the Pillars of Eternity series comes to an end.

At last, the Pillars of Eternity series comes to an end.
I had intended to play the DLC and come back to the ending later, but life circumstances got in the way.
Next on the channel will be a month or so of “random games.” I had to move my gaming PC to another room, which completely disrupted my recording setup. While fine-tuning the new setup, and adjusting to a new job, I tried out a lot of free Stadia Pro games and other samplings that didn’t require much time or energy investment.
Pillars of Eternity, Pt 57 - Hearthsong. Normal difficulty, Level 9. Gaining the trust of Anamenfath Bethwyl. Also, Hard Bargain: A merchant wants a refund on his aphrodisiac. Recorded 1/21/2021.
Pillars of Eternity, Pt 58 - Elm’s Reach. Normal difficulty, Level 9. The Delemgan Sisters outside Tier Evron. Recorded 1/21/2021.
Pillars of Eternity, Pt 59 - Tier Evron. Normal difficulty, Level 9. Successfully praying at Tier Evron, and the Oldsong district. Recorded 1/22/2021.
Pillars of Eternity, Pt 60 - The Sky Dragon. Normal difficulty, Level 9. The Sky Dragon at the Temple of Hylea. Recorded 1/22/2021.
Pillars of Eternity, Pt 61 - Burial Isle. Normal difficulty, Level 9. Burial Isle, The Pit, Breith Eaman. I didn’t understand that entering Breith Eaman triggers the endgame whether you’re ready or not. Recorded 1/22/2021.
Pillars of Eternity, Pt 62 - Sun in Shadow. Normal difficulty, Level 10. Failing at the Sun in Shadow. I wasn’t ready for the sudden difficulty spike in the final battle. Recorded 1/22/2021.
Pillars of Eternity, Pt 63 - The End. Story difficulty, Level 10. I had intended to play the DLC and level up more before coming back to the end of the game, but life circumstances got in the way, so in order to finish up the series, I just switched to Story difficulty for the final battle to complete the story. Recorded 2/8/2021.