ESO – Sub Cancelled For Now
I went ahead and cancelled my ESO subscription. I’ve got a few more days left but I suspect my Templar will stay at level 36. I think I will wait two or three months and return to see what changes have been made. I like the direction I’m seeing in the roadmap; I’m just itching to do other things right now. Go to the light! In the meantime, I’m planning to play Rift 2.
I went ahead and cancelled my ESO subscription. I’ve got a few more days left but I suspect my Templar will stay at level 36. I think I will wait two or three months and return to see what changes have been made. I like the direction I’m seeing in the roadmap; I’m just itching to do other things right now.

Go to the light!
In the meantime, I’m planning to play Rift 2.7 when it drops on May 7 until the WildStar head start. I have created a Defiant mage and leveled him up so that I can start him tanking in Realm of the Fae and Iron Tombs. I haven’t seen anything about how the mage tanking soul works yet so it should be interesting.
Oh I think I forgot to mention that my FFXIV subscription lapsed a while back, too, so my slate is pretty clean right now.
Of course I’m still putzing around with ArcheAge. It’s a very nice game but it has some flaws. For example, the gank-or-be-ganked style of PvP (otherwise known as “all PvP ever”) is not terribly appealing, particularly when it infringes upon PvE zones. It’s a bit like Aion, in that eventually your PvE questing will lead you into PvP zones. However I feel like if you’re careful you can generally avoid it.
P.S. I know I said I was going to post a short fiction thingy on Sundays, but, uhhhhh, I meant starting next Sunday. Yeah, that’s it. :)